Happy Global Surveyors’ Day 2021

Land development and surveying are like a symbiotic relationship. We simply couldn’t have one without the other.

And thanks to our dedicated team of professional surveyors, both in the field and in the office, we’ve got some of the best in the business.

Shortly we’ll be sharing an exciting new project we are involved in that represents everything we stand for in land development – innovation, collaboration, excellence, and proactivity. But for now, we’re going to celebrate our surveyors with some of their favourite moments…

Meet Mark Taylor, one of our Taupo based surveyors. Mark is an excellent Surveyor and accomplished sportsperson, so it surprised us when he lost his footing on the job while measuring the sludge depths at the Matamata poo pond and ended up taking a dip.

Following on from Mark’s lead, Allan Price, our head surveyor on Rotorua often finds himself enjoying the spoils of rural surveying, as shown in this photo from a recent job in the fields.

Our city surveyors praise innovation and advances in equipment with saving them from the same fate. Diane Moriarty recalls her early days in the field prior to “Disto’s” (that’s a distometer for you non-surveying folk) when she had to lower a tape measure down a manhole to measure the distance to the surface.

And our newest surveying team member, intern Sam Ryan agrees that while there is a lot of sh*t involved in land development, it’s still a job he loves (so much in fact he’s taking a GAP year from his studies to work with us full time.) On ya lad.

Happy Global Surveyors’ Day 2021.